The No 7 side played a return match with the Rec Club on Sunday.
The result was a win to the Rec Club team 68 shots to 56.
The Ex Services team won two rinks to one.
The individual rink scores were:
Dave Bromham defeated Ace Summerfield in a very tight match 20-19
Charlie Sorgsepp won over Phil Johnston 21-17
Lisa Arber lost to Russell George 15-32
Great bowling both teams.
At last week's social bowls Dave Bromham and super veteran Nev Thurtell won the trophy on 24 points.
Third was a four way tie between Leo Sorgsepp, Garry Dwyer, Bill Buckingham and Leon Downey on 20 points.
The Club restricted pairs entries are open now, put names on the sheet on the noticeboard.