26 March 2025
News and notices from our community

Young Hospital Auxiliary

The Young Hospital Auxiliary held its 2024 Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1 August.

There were no changes to the Committee.

Mrs Janice Ward was re-elected President, Gillian Wall Secretary, Rob Nash Treasurer, Libby Plumley Vice President and Publicity Officer, Lyn Freudenstein Assistant Secretary, Gail Smith Assistant Treasurer, and Nancy Macgregor was re-elected Patron.

The President reflected that the Auxiliary had a successful year raising funds for the Young Hospital with its Open Garden Day held in November 2023, the High Tea in April and the June luncheon with guest speaker from the Amie St Clair Melanoma Trust.

Plans are now underway for the 2024 Open Garden day to be held on Sunday 3 November.

New member, Judy Scelly, was welcomed by President Janice Ward and Patron Nancy Macgregor and presented with her Auxiliary badge. LIBBY PLUMLEY

Men's group lunch

Young and Boorowa community transport, together with Meals on Wheels invite you to their Men's group Lunch on Thursday the 8th of August at 11:30am.

This is a great opportunity to connect with your community while enjoying a meal and some great company. the event will take place at The Boorowa Pub, 37 Marsden Street, Boorowa.

The transport cost is $6 per person but please note the lunch is at attendees own cost. Please RSVP by the 1st of August, through Young Community Transport PH:63821518.

Spring Meet and Eat

On Tuesday the 1st of October, Young and Boorowa Community transport, along with Meals on wheels will be hosting a Spring Meet and Eat at the Boorowa Ex Service Services club.

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Beginning at 11:30am for a 12 noon start.

With a cost of $15 per person required.

RSVP is due by Tuesday the 24th of September to community transport on 63821518. Payment is required with your RSVP.

Any cancellations need to be communicated at least 48 hours prior to the event.

There is also transport available please book this with your RSVP.

Please RSVP through Young Community Transport PH:63821518.

New parents group

Young Library will be paying host to a new parents group, which commenced last Wednesday, the 24th. The group is best suited for parents with babies from 0-12 months, this will be a relaxed group to connect with other new parents and share experiences, joys and frustrations.

Guest speakers will be invited on occasion to talk about infant health and development as well as services and activities supporting children and families in Young.

The group aims to connect and provide much needed support for new parents, allowing them to form a community with those in the same situations.

The group will be held every week during school terms at the Young Library on Campbell Street, Young accessible via currawong Walk in Carrington Park. The sessions will run from 10am-11am.

If you are interested or have any questions please contact Kayla Palmer on 0418115 383.

Pop up Pantry

Hilltops Community Hub's Pop Up Pantry will be visiting Bribbaree, Jugiong and Milvale this month.

Locals are invited to head along and pick up some pantry items for free.

Stay for a cuppa and a bite while the Hub pack your choices.

One shop per family and must reside in the Hilltops LGA.

Bribbaree Memorial Hall 10am to 12pm August 15, 2024

Jugiong Memorial Hall 2pm to 4pm August 22, 2024

Milvale Community Hall 10am to 12pm August 28, 2024

Boorowa Library 10am to 12pm September 5, 2024

Rye Park Showground Hall 1pm to 3pm September 5, 2024

Murringo Memorial Hall 10am to 12pm September 12, 2024

Legal help at the Hub

MacArthur Legal will next be at the Hilltops Community Hub on Thursday September 26.

Bookings are essential.

Call the Hub on 6382 6328.

Winter Warmers Slow Cooker Cook Up

Hilltops Community Hub are holding a cooking class for families with children under 18 years of age living at home.

Open to parents and carers those who take part can prepare a meal, take it home to cook and keep their free slow cooker (one per family).

Tuesday August 13, 9.30am to 11am at the Hilltops Community Hub.

Spaces are limited so get in quick to book a spot.

Phone the hub on 6382 6328 to secure your spot.

Boorowa Community Landcare

Boorowa Community Landcare are encouraging locals to save the date for its upcoming planting day on the Boorowa River.

The event which is being hosted in conjunction with Rivers of Carbon and Hilltops Council will be held on September 21, 2024 between 10am and 1pm.

The aim of the planting day is to improve the amenity and aesthetics of the Boorowa River Walk, while providing an opportunity for residents and landholders to learn about revegetation projects that improve habitat connectivity and biodiversity.

Join in and get your hands dirty planting a tree, learn about native plants and meet Landcare and Council representatives at this free event.

Keep an eye out for further details coming soon.

Harden SES

Passionate about your community? We have a role for you.

The NSW SES Harden Unit is seeking dedicated volunteers to join their ranks.

If you are interested in filling one of their roles then visit them on their open evening on August 20, 2025 at 81 Neill Street, Harden.

  • Storm damage operator
  • Flood rescue operator
  • Chainsaw operator
  • Flood boat operator
  • Communications officer
  • Incident management and support officers
  • Community engagement
  • Fleet and logistics support officer

Visit to find out more and sign up.

St Joseph's Winter Raffle

St Joseph's Boorowa are holding their annual winter raffle over the next few weeks.

Tickets are $5 each to win the $1,200 prize.

The prize for the raffle is a two night accommodation and dinner package at the magnificent Nimbo Fork.

The raffle will be drawn on Friday August 23.

To purchase tickets please visit

WIRES workshop

WIRES Weddin Lachlan Branch are hosting a face-to-face training workshop on August 17, 2024 to onboard new wildlife volunteers before spring.

Enrol today in the WIRES Rescue and Immediate Care Course (RICC) and prepare to immerse yourself in hands on wildlife rescue training.

The training cost is $125 inclusive of online theory and workshop components.

Don't forget you must complete the online theory component first to secure a place in this workshop.

Enrol now at Any questions email for further info.

Boorowa Community Food Hub

Boorowa Community Food Hub is a free service to those in need within our community.

However, it relies on the generosity of other members of the community.

Take what you need, leave what you can.

Lillyfield Alpacas

Join Lillyfield, Mapa and Silcron Alpacas for an open day of learning and exploration.

Discover fleece and conformation attributes and meet future stud sires, all certified.

A hand-on workshop for beginners and up with animals and fleeces. Pen sales on the day.

Admission is free to all.

1pm to 4pm September 14, 2024 at Lillyfield Aplacas, 69 Graces Flat Road, Bowning.

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