28 February 2025
Young’s newest citizens welcomed by the community

Two new Aussies were welcomed at a special citizenship ceremony held in Carrington Park on Friday 26 January 2024.

The event was held as part of Australia Day celebrations in Hilltops, during the 75th anniversary of Australian citizenship.

Having migrated from the UK and India, Robert Whittleton and Pooja Patel were welcomed by Mayor Roles, who was the presiding officer for the ceremony.

"The skills and cultural diversity of the new citizens, as well as their hard work and participation in our public life, will enrich our Hilltops," Hilltops Council Mayor Margaret Roles said during the ceremony.

Mayor Roles invited all Australians to reflect on their shared values, national history, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage, and how each member of the community can become more involved with the local communities.

"Australian citizenship ceremonies are an important part of our nation's celebrations," Hilltops Council said.

"Our newest citizens have joined a special group of Australians who celebrate the anniversary of their citizenship each Australia Day.

"They have become Australian citizens during a special year as 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of Australian citizenship.

"On 26 January 1949, the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 came into effect creating the new status of Australian citizen, and the first Australian citizenship ceremony was held on 3 February 1949 at Albert Hall in Canberra."

Mayor Roles and the community came together to congratulate Mr Whittleton and Ms Patel as the newest Australian citizens in the local community.

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"We wish our new citizens the best in this new stage in their lives," she said.

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