Young witness
Council calls locals to join consultation group on SRV

Hilltops Council is planning on engaging with the community regarding a decision to apply for a special rate variation (SVR).

At the most recent ordinary meeting councillors discussed the community engagement program to inform on the special rate variation application decision.

The purpose of the program is to generate community feedback to inform the Council's decision in November on whether they should lodge an application for a Special Rate Variation.

"Council need to notify IPART in November 2023 if we are thinking about applying for a SRV," a statement from Hilltops Council read.

"So, we are seeking feedback from the Hilltops community over the next few months to help inform this decision."

According to the Council agenda the secondary purpose of the program is to commence discussion with the community regarding levels of service within Council's policies and financial limits, as well as following on from the Local Government elections to immediately commence discussions regarding the consideration of a Special Rate Variation to be brought in during the 2024 financial year.

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) have a criteria that Council needs to provide evidence that the community is aware of the need for and the extent of a rate rise in the event that Council does proceed with its application.

A number of councillors at the July ordinary meeting were in support of the program.

"It seems that it's just the way really we need to go," Cr Jo Mackay said.

"I don't know what everyone else thinks but when there's no money in the bank and you want to do a whole heap of stuff then you know you've got people actually demanding services, then where do we go?

"It's one of the many things we have to do."

Cr Patrick FitzGerald agreed that it would benefit Council and the community to seek the opinions, thoughts and feedback from the community members who would take part.

"I think it's a comprehensive program which we should listen to the feelings of the community in light of the serious concerns we have about looking at this issue," he said.

Cr Mary Dodd also supported the program.

"I think it's a great idea," she said. "I think we need to do it."

Though all the Councillor's agree something needs to be done there were a number who were against the move, in particular that the councillor's themselves would not be taking part in the program, but would be informed about the outcomes through workshops and those who felt there were alternatives to a special rate variation.

"I also understand that our financial situation is very dire," Cr Brian Ingram said.

"But then I was reading from what I've gathered, someone is going to handpick some members out in the community there to meet with and discuss the SRV but no councillor's allowed.

"Am I skeptical? Yes, I am councillor's.

"We need to make sure the information that's being given to the community is correct and balanced on both sides of the story."

Cr Armstrong believes Council needs to review what services they are able to provide.

"I believe that Council needs to review its service catalogue for services that we provide, we need to determine the services that we want to arrive those services at and work out whether we can afford to provide it at that level," he said.

"If we can't then we have to go to the community and say this is the service level we're providing for this range of services, are you prepared to pay for it? The community will simply say yes or no.

"If they're not prepared to pay for it then service levels must decline or the service catalogue must be reduced in size but at the moment we seem to be more worried about the dollar side of it rather than the service side of it.

"I think that we're approaching it the wrong way."

Cr Tony Flannery said he finds the title of the program to be 'offensive.'

"I don't support this workstream as it's titled, I find it offensive that we've got a community reference group and we're voted as councillors," he said.

"I think if we're not capable of doing the job perhaps we should call in a new team, isn't that what you held Council elections for?" Cr Flannery said.

Cr Flannery also followed in Cr Armstrong's vein and questioned where the possibility of 'tightening the belt' had gone before the SRV is broached with the community.

"It's a disgrace really," Cr Flannery said.

Cr John Piper also echoed Cr Flannery's sentiments.

Since the meeting Hilltops Council have called out to the community for expressions of interest from anyone who would like to take part.

"We want to understand the good, the bad, and the ugly about a possible SRV," Council said.

"Please complete our online form to register your interest in joining the group. This form can be found on our website under the 'Have Your Say' page."