20 September 2024
Australia Day 2024 celebrated at Carrington Park | Photos

Locals gathered at Carrington Park on Friday morning to celebrate Australia Day, welcome new Australian citizens and pay tribute to some very deserving locals.

Two locals officially became Australian Citizens during the ceremony hosted by Hilltops Council Mayor Margaret Roles followed by an amazing speech and performance by Young's Australia Day ambassador Mr Peter Cousens AM.

Before the local Australia Day awards Mayor Roles invited Australia Day Honouree Mr Eris Gleeson to the stage to congratulate him on his award as well as to allow him to speak directly to the community.

Mayor Roles, Hilltops Council Deputy Mayor Alison Foreman and Mr Cousens then presented the 2024 Business of the Year award to Amber Blythe Conveyancing, the 2024 Junior Citizen of the Year to Anneliese Rothe and Citizen of the Year to Major Phil Mitchell.

Following on from the ceremony a meet and greet was held for locals to meet with and speak to Mr Cousens followed by an early lunch in the park cooked by the Rotary Club of Young and plenty of entertainment and fun for the whole family.

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