Vera wins Tuesday's social golf at Tipperary Golf Club

Tuesday's social round was won by Vera McMillan on 28 nett from Nigel Willett on 34 nett.

Geoff Nott had a birdie gobble and Vera had a gobble.

Thursday was a two person Ambrose, the winner were Max Hardman and Brian Hearne on 55.5 nett. Geoff Nott and Garry Cummins were second with 66.25 nett.

Sunday's game was a stableford.

Rod Pratt was the winner with 38 points. Geoff Nott second on a countback from Terry Casey on 37 points.

Geoff and David Jasprizza each had one gobble.

Sponsor of the week was Donges Supa IGA.