7 March 2025
Historical facts and my story

By request, here is my story...Shirley Close.

In 1936 I was born into the family of Jim and Thelma Crowe at Murringo Flats.

I was the first born and only child for the first seven years, then five more siblings arrived.

I went to school at Hillmont, Murringo Flats, riding a chestnut mare called Megsie.

From there to Young by bus to the Presentation Convent.

I always felt blessed growing up with farm life, you learn so much about every day life.

As life progressed, I married Ron, was was a baker by trade (my Dad told everyone he was in the dough), and we had one son, Wayne.

I always worked silknet before I was married, after I was at the Young District Hospital for ten years.

Hammond and Hanlon, who changed hands many times, after ten years there in 1976, I started my own business, which grew over the years and entailed a lot of travelling and long hours.

After a long illness, Ron passed away in 2004, it was at this time I chose to semi-retire.

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In all that time we had in 1968, started showing and breeding Pembroke Corgies, which were most successful, especially Yo Don, our own home bred champion, who is still written up in the history books.

In 1970 I was publicity officer for the Young Kennel Club, the president for fifteen years and am still a life member for the Club.

In 1985, the first Business House Association was formed.

I became publicity officer for that, which there was a photo on the front page of the paper.

I have been a member of the P and A Association and Showgrounds trust.

I have also been a member of the NSW Canine Society and the Welsh Corgie Club, both for forty years and am still a member of Racing NSW, having part owned a lovely race horse called Bring a Secret out of Sebring (happy times).

The best was still to come though.

I joined the Young Croquet Club in 2004, gained a coaching certificate, also became a registered referee, did a stint as publicity officer, also treasurer, have travelled extensively playing and refereeing with friends, such as my best mate, Edna Kelly, also Doug and Ruth Leabeater.

But now the sad time has come.

My use by date is just about up.

I do what I can do to support the Club, such as sell raffle tickets, a bit of time keeping, but most of all I enjoy the weekly colour in the local paper, under the heading of Croquet Matters.

From feedback I get from readers, I feel it is well received.

Having lived in Young and district all my life, I enjoy having friends and family nearby.


The Christmas party and presentation day will be held on December 14 at the Young Services Club.

12 for a 12.30pm start.

Two elected members from the committee will meet with a nominated electrician to look at boosting the existing lights for night play.

Which brings into play the Business House Competition, which people are keen to learn more about.

This event has become more popular each year, sponsored by Raine and Horne, it starts early February, with teams of four and is played two or three nights a week.

NOTE: The format is each business nominates two or three players from their business.

The Croquet Club then makes up your team with two Club players.

Some businesses are so keen, they nominate two teams.

It is pleasing to see Groups booking the Croquet Club for parties etc. any queries about bookings phone 0418 248 670.

The Club welcomed two new members, Barbara from Koorawatha and Rose from Young.

Rose has already purchased her own mallet.