27 March 2025
Men’s golf

On Saturday the Men played a 4BBB sponsored by The Young Fruit Barn and Robert Bush.

The winners were Grant Meacham and David Killick with 49 points.

The runners up were Charlie and Jesse Corcoran with 47 points and third were Jake Priestly and Ian Page with 46 points.

Jesse Corcoran had the best individual score with 41 points.

The Watson Toyota NTP on the 7th was won by Gavin Marshall with 62cm and the 17th was won by Mark Crutcher with 234 cm.

The Pro Pin on the 7th was won by Gavin Marshall and he receives a voucher for $72.

The Deluxe Blinds & Shutters NTP on the 13th was won by Gavin Marshall and the 16th was won by Jayden Oliver with 310cm.

The Deluxe Blinds & Shutters Eagles nest jackpot on the 1st of $80 was not won and jackpots to $100 next week. Balls went down to 32 individual points on a countback and there were 88 players.

Upcoming events - Saturday 22nd March: Crutcher Developments single stableford, Saturday 29th March GS Tiles and Floor Coverings: single stableford, Saturday 5th April Cooltech Refrigeration and Air Conditioning April Monthly Medals.

The Wednesday Medley was won by Grant Harding with 37 points on a countback and he won 8 balls.

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Runner up was Geoff Palmer (6 balls) with 36 points from in third place Jake Veney (5 balls) with 35 points on a countback from Peter Terry (4 balls) Brett Scelly (3 balls) and Craig Watson (2 balls).

The Pro Pin on the 7th was won by Mark McCormick and he receives a voucher.

Balls went down to 29 points and there were 49 players.

The Friday Medley was won by Scott Nolan with 35 points and he won 4 balls.

Runner up was Carolyn Shaw (2 balls) with 33 points on a countback.

Balls went down to 30 points and there were 10 players.

The Kyle McGovern Electrical Sunday medley was won by Swayde Honeman (5 balls) with 38 points on a countback from Adam Holmes (4 balls).

Gavin Marshall (2 balls) was third with 37 points on a countback from Jim Brewster.

Balls went down to 29 points on a countback and there were 28 players.