23 March 2025
Moving on to recovery following the storm

The recovery process is continuing in Harden-Murrumburrah, following severe storms that swept through the area at the beginning of last week, causing significant damage to commercial and residential properties.

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) formally concluded its response phase last Friday, with more than 180 incidents completed across the Hilltops Shire since the day of the storm.

The NSW SES has been working closely with NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) throughout the week, with a formal transition taking place yesterday afternoon to hand responsibility to the NSW RA.

A shuttle bus service run from Harden to Young was established as the local supermarket sustained significant damage, but is expected to cease this week as the supermarket operation is restored and service resumed.

About 120 NSW SES volunteers had been on the ground throughout the week, ably assisted by the NSW Rural Fire Service and Fire and Rescue NSW.

The NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) opened a Recovery Assistance Point in Harden again this week, supporting residents, landholders and businesses affected by the recent severe storms.

Representatives from Legal Aid NSW, Insurance Council of Australia, RAMHP, Uniting Church NSW, Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network were also on hand to provide help.

Impacted people were able to access legal and insurance advice, mental health support and referrals to other services.

Anyone who was unable to attend is still able to seek assistance by calling 02 9781 5530 to see what support may be available.

Minister for Emergency Services, Jihad Dib, thanked all of the volunteers and emergency services who responded to the devastating storm and fallout.

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"I want to thank volunteers and emergency responders who have moved quickly and give their help to a community in need," he said.

"The NSW Government is working with the local council and emergency response organisations to assess the damage from the storms as we transition towards the recovery phase.

"I've been speaking with the local MP, Steph Cooke, and Council to support them with Natural Disaster Declarations," he said.

"Welfare services have contacted residents with damaged homes, with temporary accommodation being offered to those who need it."

NSW SES Commissioner Mike Wasssing AFSM also congratulated the local and visiting SES volunteers for their hard work and dedication throughout their time in the area.

"A number of properties saw significant and moderate damage," the Commissioner said.

"I thank those local SES volunteers, who worked tirelessly through what proved to be technically challenging buildings.

"NSW SES olunteers also came from across the state from Kiama, Sutton, Cootamundra, Wagga, The Rock, Queanbeyan, Batemans Bay, Crookwell, Dapto, Cooma, Yass and Bungendore.

"I'd like to acknowledge the great work from Hilltops Council, our emergency service partners, volunteer organisations and the NSW Reconstruction Authority, who have all been working hard to support this community recover from this storm.

"We still have a few residual jobs to attend to, but it is important we commence the recovery process as soon as possible so this community gets the support they need," he said.

With a large number of businesses and home damaged Reconstruction Authority CEO Mal Lanyon has said the organisation will step up to help locals as much as they can.

"There has been considerable damage to both commercial and residential premises, including the local supermarket, chemist and Council buildings," Mr Lanyon said.

"We also saw the Bunyip Preschool closed due to damage.

"First responders have worked around the clock supporting this town, and it is now the role of the NSW Reconstruction Authority to help the community recover."

Mr Lanyon said locals have been utilising the Recovery Access Point at the Harden Country Club this week.

"We have teams on the ground and are working closely with our Recovery Partners to provide the community with the support and assistance they need," he said.