22 March 2025
Black Dog Ride is back for 2025

The Black Dog Ride one dayer is returning to Young on March 16, 2025 to raise awareness of suicide and depression, however, there will be an added stop on the annual trek across the region.

This year a veteran will be shaving their hair at the Stockinbingal Bowling Club as part of the event.

The annual event will start at the Young Railway Station with registration from 7am before the briefing at 9am with stands up at 9.30am.

Organiser Robert 'Tex' Quigg is hoping to have guest speakers as well as a welcome to country by Charles Thompson from Cowra.

From Young the group will head to the Terminus Hotel in Temora with stands up again at 11.30am for the ride to Stockinbingal.

There will be raffles and plenty happening over lunch before a veteran gets a shave.

Stands up at 2.30pm before the trek to Wallendbeen with stands up at 3.20pm with the ride to finish at the Commercial Hotel in Young where the last of the raffles.

Times are only a guide.

"This is not a race, it's more about enjoying the ride and starting some conversation," Tex said.

"Lunch is at the Stockinbingal Bowling Club as a great young fella has decided that he wants to help.

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"Check out his Facebook group called Shave A Vet."

The veteran, Dale Morton, is Milvale local who served the country and is hoping to raise awareness and funds as part of the annual event.

"I am a veteran who served in Timor Leste in 2006 and Afghanistan in 2008," Dale said.

"Today I suffer from severe PTSD and somedays it's hard, but I have ways with coping."

Dale enjoys working for Yarran AG, riding his Harley, working with horses and relaxing while camping.

"I'm trying to raise funds for Black Dog Ride so more of the word can get out there, that no matter how hard life hits you, you don't have to take your own life," Dale said.

Tex said the Black Dog Ride was more than happy to join forces with Dale to achieve his goal.

"The Young Black Dog Ride has decided to jump in and help this bloke, so I will have a ride set out, but lunch at the Stockinbingal Bowling Club will be a little longer than the usual stop as Dale has a few things to get through, then we will complete the ride back to Young and finish at the Commercial Hotel," Tex said.

"So if you see a tin out and around the area, please help Dale out."

Everyone is welcome to get involved with the ride, if they have a bike or not.

"Even if you don't ride and wish to come along, please feel free to follow us in cars," Tex said.

"It's a great day and plenty of conversations.

"So please save the date."