23 January 2025
Letter unearthed by Croquet Club

After a lazy couple of of weeks, what with the open tennis, cricket and of course the magic millions, I decided to dig into the history books of years gone by in the Young Croquet Club.

I unearthed a letter delivered to the fifth annual general meeting of the club in 1931 by the then Secretary Beryl Turner which reads as follows:

It is with the greatest satisfaction that your committee reviews the progress of the Young Croquet Club during the fifth year of its existence.

It was with fear and trepidation that we faced the outlook twelve months ago, with depleted membership, a debt of 45 pounds on the club house, and top dressing to be paid for and the usual difficulties in providing funds for upkeep and to maintain the enthusiasm of the players.

Once or twice during the year the committee considered the possibility of having to close down.

On one occasion we had to approach the Bowling club for a reduction in the rent, but this could not be granted.

However these conditions were met with determination to win through and today we are proud to announce that the club is firmly established more than ever before, been absolutely free of debt, garden seats, all accessories paid for and the lawn in almost perfect condition.

Our Treasurers report shows a credit balance, I would like to emphasise the fact that this has necessitated long and continued efforts, which has called on the individual help from each and every one of the members, assisted by generous people who were not members of the club that have patronage the very many functions held from time to time to raise money.

Some of these such money raisers were Mahjong evenings, Market Day, Gymkhana and Parties held in the homes of members and on one occasion to meet the monthly


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The committee themselves voluntarily subscribed 5 each to tide over some difficult times.

My objection in mentioning this is not for the purpose of evoking your approval or otherwise, but to explain the latest recommendation of the committee to increase the subscriptions to two pounds two shillings and there by to eliminate as far as possible all future money raising functions.

We feel that all the pioneering work has now been done and the club is now fully established.

This increase would mean members and new members coming into the club in the future may have their sport unhampered by financial difficulties,.

This letter is signed by. hon sec, Beryl Turner.

As a foot note to this article, it has been established that the croquet club which was established in 1924, rented one green from Young Bowling Club which had only been established a short time, where it had been built in Lachlan St, its present address.

The green was were lawn two is now.

The club had a small area for their club house plus enough space for seating umbrellas etc, this was fully maintained by the croquet club including establishment of the lawn.

Boy, look at us now.


Celebrate Australia Day with Young Croquet Club. Free for everyone. 6pm start. Barbecue and play. Members and mates. All supplied.