28 February 2025
This Is My Brave auditions coming up

Locals are being encouraged to share their story and join the movement to end stigma surrounding mental health with This Is My Brave Australia holding auditions in Boorowa on February 22 and 23.

This Is My Brave Australia is a platform for everyday Australians to share their personal stories live on stage of mental health challenges and recovery through spoken word, poetry, music and performance.

"By sharing lived experiences, we break down stigma and inspire hope," founder and executive officer Tim Daly said.

"If you have a story to tell, now's the time!

"Auditions are your chance to take part in this incredible event, raise your voice, and help others feel seen and understood."

Tim wants all locals to know that their stories and experiences matter.

"Whether you've faced anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or any other mental health experience, your journey could inspire and empower others," Tim said.

"So if you have a story to tell about your unique mental health journey that you may think will help others on their journey, we want to hear from you."

The auditions will be held at the Boorowa Central School hall, 38 Pudman Street, Boorowa on Saturday February 22 and Sunday February 23.

To secure an audition time visit and select a date and a time.

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