27 March 2025
Hilltops candidates get ready for the election

Hilltops Council has 16 candidates standing for the 11 positions as Councillors in the upcoming Local Government Election to be held on Saturday September 14, 2024.

Nominations for candidates closed at 12pm on Wednesday August 14 with the ballot draw held at 2pm on Thursday August 15 at the Cootamundra-Gundagai Region Returning Officer Office.

The ballot draw decides in which order the candidates will appear on the ballot paper at the upcoming election.

Seven current Councillors have nominated to re-stand in the election with, in no particular order, Cr Matthew Stadtmiller, Cr Alison Foreman, Cr Brian Ingram, Cr Mary Dodd, Cr Patrick FitzGerald, Cr Tony Flanery and Cr Joanne Mackay all re-contesting.

Mayor Margaret Roles, Cr Tony Hewson and Cr John Piper are not contesting the upcoming election.

Joining the existing candidates on the ballot, in no particular order, are Michelle Gallo from Kingsvale, Jennifer Smith from Harden, Fiona Douglas from Burrangong/Young, Abdullah Sultan from Young, Neil Langford from Young, James Blackwell from Boorowa, Michael Skillen from Young, Jake Davis from Young and Brandon Douglas from Young.

Cr Matthew Stadtmiller is also running for Council in the Yass Valley Council Local Government Election where he will be second on the ballot.

At the ballot draw on Thursday, the order candidates will appear on the Hilltops Council ballot were selected in the following order:

  • Matthew Stadtmiller
  • Mary Dodd
  • James Blackwell
  • Michael Skillen
  • Patrick FitzGerald
  • Joanne Mackay
  • Tony Flanery
  • Brian Ingram
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Abdullah Sultan
  • Neil Langford
  • Alison Foreman
  • Fiona Douglas
  • Brandon Douglas
  • Michelle Gallo
  • Jake Davis

In the coming weeks ahead of the election The Young Witness and The Boorowa News will be reaching out to candidates to take part in our candidate profiles. The first candidate profiles will appear in The Young Witness and The Boorowa News next week.

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